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Variétés: Altair et Vega

Industrial Hemp | Offered by UniSeeds

Altair The Flying Eagle
Brightest star in the constellation Aquila

Plant description Type Monoecious
Plant height 140-160 cm
Lodging resistance Very Good
Maturity 105 days
Grain potential Excellent
Straw potential Very Good
Bast fiber % 36.9%
Tensile strength 748Mpa
CBD level 0.5-1.6 %
THC level 0.02-0.2 %
Grain description Thousand Kernel Weight (TKW) 17.5 g
Oil content 30.1 %


➢ Excellent grain and very good straw yield

➢ Moderate branching, lush and full appearance

➢ Highly uniform in height and flowering

➢ Very low male count

➢ Possible to follow with a fall seeded crop

Management tips:

➢ Sow mid to late May at 20-25 lb/acre for optimal grain yield

➢ Sow early into warm, fit soil at 35-40 lbs/acre for best straw yields

➢ Ideal in lighter soils (sandy loam, silty soils)

➢ Stale seedbed and narrow row spacing for improved weed control

Altair Grain Yeild

Vega The Northern pole star
Arguably the next most important star in the sky after the sun

Plant description Type Monoecious
Plant height 130-150 cm
Lodging resistance Excellent
Maturity 100 days
Grain potential Excellent
Straw potential Good
Bast fiber % N/A
Tensile strength N/A
CBD level 0.5-1.6 %
THC level 0.02-0.2 %
Grain description Thousand Kernel Weight (TKW) 18 g
Oil content 30.6 %


➢ New variety with excellent grain yield

➢ Shorter plant with excellent lodging tolerance

➢ Highly uniform in height and flowering

➢ Very low male count

➢ Possible to follow with a fall seeded crop

Management tips:

➢ Sow mid to late May at 20-25 lb/acre for optimal grain yield

➢ Consider narrow rows for optimal grain yield

➢ Ideal in lighter soils (sandy loam, silty soils)

➢ Stale seedbed and narrow row spacing for improved weed control

Vega Grain Yeild